Encouraging and disseminating scientific works on food & nutrition are the primary ways for the Danone Institutes to promote healthy behaviors. Locally, this may goes through different iniatives: conferences, publications, training or formation…
You will find below some of the local actual conferences, operations or publications.
Contact your local Danone Institute to know more about their local nutrition and health initiatives.
The Danone Institute Southern Cone organized a symposium in October, 2019 in Buenos Aires, under the topic “Fermented Food and Fermentation in Nutrition and Health”. The symposium program:
> For more information, you can access to the last detailed publication associated to this symposium on fermented foods.
The DI Japan Foundation organizes every year its Nutrition Forum. The 21st Danone Nutrition Forum “Realization of healthy longevity society and the role of national registered dieticians” was held on September 14th, 2019. 620 participants were gathered and learned together with the speakers about initiatives for realization of successful aging society.
> For more information on the DI Japan Foundation website
DI Russia organized two conferences in October and November 2019 :
All the titles of the Danone Institute Southern Cone’s collection are freely available to any member of the community aiming at nurturing their knowledge, following the reflection triggered by the authors and, in the end, capitalizing on their learnings to better contribute to peoples’ health.
Fermented Food: Microbiology, Nutrition, Health & Culture. (Spanish, 2020)
Yogurt, Ancient Food in the 21st (English, 2018)
Probiotics: their Impact in Nutrition and Health. A Vision from the Southern Cone. (Spanish, 2018)
Methodologies in Food Evaluation. An Ibero-American Vision. (Spanish, 2015)
The Role of Calcium and Vitamin D in Bone Health and Beyond. Perspective from the Southern Cone. (Spanish, 2013)
Healthy Growth. Between Malnutrition and Obesity in the Southern Cone. (Spanish, 2011)
Impact of Growth and Early Development on the Population’s Health and Wellbeing. Perspectives and Reflections from the Southern Cone. (Spanish, 2009)
> You can access to all publications in Spanish on our dedicated section on our website.
DI China publishes regurlarly a Nutrition newsletter dedicated to health professionals. For example, the 44th Issue of “Nutrition Newsletter” is focusing on “Health education and health promotion: theory and effective approaches“.
> The publication is available online on DI China website
Health and well-being have always been part of the main topic of the DI France. For more than 20 years, the DI France has published a newsletter dedicated to health professionals, available on the DI France website and which was sent to more than 20 000 subscribers. This year, the DI France has renewed this newsletter and proposed the first edition of the new “Objectif Alimentation”.
> The document (in French), is available on the DI France website.