Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative

The Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for Sustainable and Balanced Diets

A unique initiative…

Yogurt in nutrition initiative for sustainable and balanced diets

The Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for Sustainable and Balanced Diets (YINI) is funded by the Danone Institute International…


…to develop and share scientific knowledge about the place of yogurt in sustainable healthy diets.

YINI is the go-to place for dietitians and nutritionists, healthcare professionals, and the general public to find current evidence, lifestyle and nutritional information about the place of yogurt in sustainable healthy diets.

The mission of the initiative is:

  • to uncover scientific data, stimulate new research and identify gaps in our understanding of the place of yogurt in sustainable healthy diets
  • and disseminate broadly this information to professionals and general public


Conferences on the health effects of yogurt and sustainable healthy diets

Different symposia or summits are organized under the initiative of the YINI :


Website: yogurtinnutrition.com

yogurtinnutrition.com websiteOn yogurtinnutrition.com, the international website of the initiative:

  • You will find plenty of content such as
  • scientific reviews of publications,
  • infographics,
  • online conferences and slideshows,
  • blog posts,
  • symposium reports
  • Experts interviews, and much more…

Every week, a fresh basket of content produced by YINI appears on the homepage, free for the picking. You will find detailed information and advices including, interviews, easy tips or quick messages, and even some classic recipe favorites, highlighted by experts. The website is available in French, Spanish and Italian.

YINI is also active on:

YINI on pinterestYINI on Instagram