The missions of the Danone Institute international are to promote human health, internationally, by developing and disseminating knowledge about the links between food and human health and to highlight the importance of food and nutrition in human health with a focus on yogurt among other food groups.
This goes through different initiatives:
Danone Institute International participate regularly to the main international nutrition, health, public health congresses and organizes symposia on different topics on food, nutrition and health. The recent topics were focused on nurturing children’s healthy eating habits, healthy sustainable diets or health effects of yogurt.
Discover more about the conferences and see some of those conferences online.
Through dedicated international working groups, the Danone Institute International publishes scientific synthesis on specific topics linked to Nutrition and Health.
The Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for sustainable and balanced diets is funded by the Danone Institute International and conducted in collaboration with the American Society for Nutrition. It aims to evaluate and share the current evidence base on the place of yogurt in sustainable healthy diets.