Water bar

Water Bar

The water bar invites children to explore taste through the use of water.  The objective is to teach the children how to differentiate tastes and discover the fundamental flavours through a hands-on activity.

The waterbar is designed to encourage children to discover the pleasure of plain or naturally-flavoured water.  This activity includes material for three tasting stations. Posters are provided as visual aids and to facilitate children’s learning.

This activity brings children to taste and discover water through sampling.


Three taste stimulation activities include:

  • tasting water from different geographical locations (with and without carbonation)
  • tasting water with added ingredients to flavour (orange, cinnamon, lemon, mint, lime and basil) and
  • differentiating the fundamental flavours (savoury, sweet and sour).

Posters with little written language are provided to illustrate and guide the activities. Visuals show the different parts of the mouth, the different ingredients used for flavouring, and the origins of the water.

Organized by

Danone Institute International, Danone Institute Spain for Danone Nations Cup